Voluntary Dues Donation

Voluntary dues make up the largest and most important part of our budget. Your donations provide events, field trips, curriculum enrichment, additional classroom supplies, technology, library books, teacher grants, facility improvements, and more. LFGCA spends $150 to $200 per child per year. Your donation of any amount is greatly appreciated.


Employer Matching: Did you know that many companies match their employees’ donations to non-profit organizations? By asking your company to match your gift, you may double the impact of your contribution. Companies with matching programs have included Anheuser-Busch, Bank of America, Bayer, Energizer, MasterCard, Nestle Purina, Wells Fargo, and more! Please use fifthgradecentertreasurer@gmail.com as the email address associated with your matched funds.


All LFGCA donations are tax deductible, and will help us reduce the need for additional fundraising. Thank you for supporting our school and our students!

 $200 Donation$200.00 
 $150 Donation$150.00 
 $100 Donation$100.00 
 $50 Donation$50.00 
 Custom Donation$

Your donation will appear in your credit card receipt and/or bank statement as Ladue West Parent Association, the official name of the Ladue FGC Association.